by 1/ST BET
May 10, 2022
$12,196 // Rainbow 6 Jackpot (Friday)
Feature Race(s):
None scheduled.
Key 1/ST BET Factors (top pick win %, top pick profit/loss):
ITM (In the Money) % (47%, +$31.00)
Trainer Current Year (34%, +$17.00)
Lifetime Speed (38%, +$4.80)
Jockey/Trainer Trends from Betmix:
T: Isidro Tamayo // 9: 4-2-1 (44%, $1.23 ROI) // 4: 3-1-0 with favorites
T: Reid France // 8: 4-1-0 (50%, $2.36 ROI) // 2-2 with favorites + $20 winner // 3: 2-1-0 with jockey Irving Orosco
J: Evin Roman // 13: 5-0-5 (38%, $2.10 ROI) // 2-2 with favorites // $4, $6, $11, $16, $17 winners // won for 5 different trainers
J: Irvin Orozco // 12: 4-2-0 (33%, $1.56 ROI) // 3: 2-1-0 with trainer Reid France // $4, $6, $6, $20 winners
J: Frank Alvarado // 5: 3-0-0 (%, $ ROI) //
** ROI reflects return on $1 win bet**