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Friday, March 29th: Can-Am Pick 4 Analysis

by Al Cimaglia

March 29, 2019

Coming back this evening for the second edition of the Can-Am 0.20 Pick 4. Both Mohawk and the Meadowlands have competitive cards scheduled to start the weekend. The Can-Am sequence begins at Mohawk in Race 10, at about 10:40 EST. The pool was over $50,000 last week and it wouldn't be a shock to see a higher total tonight. 

Comments and selections below are based on a fast track. 

Race 10-1st Leg-Mohawk 

1-Windsongmagnifique-Not in love with last effort, will use again and hope is tighter, now comes back in 7 days. 
2-Buttermilk Hanover-Steps-up after a sharp win at FlmD, winner of >$100k in 2018 can compete here. 
6-P L Hurricane-Lukewarm ML chalk may blast out and get on the engine. Filion provides a new set of hands. 
8-Cousin Mary-Swinging for a price and thinking the 1/2 may go in .56 and change, if so, Mary can roll late. 

Race 10-2nd Leg-Meadowlands 
2-Slick Artist A-Got the top and didn't last, may look to get sucked around and make one big brush down the lane. 
4-Newsday-Slow pace hurt, 55.3 last 1/2 wasn't enough, now D. Miller steers and he should have in striking range. 
5-Believe In Me-Has trouble sealing the deal at the Big M, but best to respect honest horse. 
8-Dongal Rundlscrk N-Trainer hands lines to Gingras in 2nd Big M start, drops and looking for a big try. 
9-Oceania-9/5 ML chalk is a winner of 2 straight, tough to leave out but will need a trip versus this crew. 

Race 11-3rd Leg-Mohawk 

5-Docs Sausalito-Came 2nd from 9-hole and might be able to step-up the effort for 3rd win in 10 tries this year. 
7-Exhilarated-Steps-up after drawing off by 4 3/4 last week, classy mare could stay good and win another. 

Race 11-4th Leg-Meadowlands 

2-If Not Why Not-Spagnola barn has been hot this month, winner of 4 of 7 at Big M may pop in 1st start off bench. 
5-Ataboy Hanover-Makes 4th start off a rest and Dunn takes a seat, looking for a big try. 
7-Resita-Makes 4 start for Cullipher and drops to a softer spot, D. Miller takes a spin and best will be tough to beat. 

My Ticket

Race 10 Mohawk) 1,2,6,8

Race 10 Meadowlands) 2,4,5,8,9

Race 11 Mohawk) 5,7

Race 11 Meadowlands) 2,5,7 

Total Ticket Cost) $24 for $0.20

Check me out on Twitter, @AlCimaglia