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Monday, January 20: Mohawk Park Pick 4 Analysis

by Al Cimaglia

January 20, 2020

Tonight's Early 0.20 Pick 4 at Woodbine Mohawk Park will be my focus. The sequence has a $50,000 guaranteed pool and will begin in Race 4.

Comments and selections below are based on a fast track.

Race 4

1-Military Secret (5/2)-This looks like a 2-horse race and this guy is razor sharp. With this post draw it might be easier to make it 3 in a row than it was to win the last 2.
3-Lyons Pegasus (9/2)-This is a nice 4-year old and with the right trip could make it interesting. But loses Jamieson and Hudon needs to provide a smooth journey, maybe in the 2-hole right behind #1.

Race 5

2-Barn One (8-1)-Makes 2nd start for Moreau and will toss the first time effort when off for >2 weeks. This looks like a bounce back opportunity to be in the mix.
4-Young Drunk Punk (7/2)-Comes out of a tough race and had a rough trip. This is a better spot to stay in range, roll late and pick off foes to the wire.
5-Brookletsjustified (5-1)-Makes 3rd start for Fellows who was aggressive in claiming back. Should be a square price and McNair could put in play early and trip out.
8-Hes A Sensation (6-1)-10-year-old takes a big a drop and will use mainly for that reason plus post makes the price better. Looks like a player if dialed on high and healthy, will lean that way and use.

Race 6

7-Kameran Hanover (8-1)-Gets a positive driver change and is coming off a sharp effort from the 9-hole. Will need best to take a picture at this class but this could be the time.
8-Kadabra Queen (4-1)-Has been trying hard and will excuse the break in last. Can beat this crew with a clean trip and a decent early seat.
10-Major Muscle (5-1)-Even try in last after having excuses in previous 2 starts. Usually leaves me wanting more but many of these have a similar profile. McClure could put in play even from post-10.

Race 7

3-Easy Flyer (5/2)-Makes 1st start for Moreau and usually competes well at this class. Won't offer any value but tough to leave off the ticket.
6-No Time At All (6-1)-Was used a couple of times in last when starting from the rail. This post may work better for slow starter. Here's a chance for a price and could surprise if able to come up with a top effort.
8-Arukidinme Cabbie (7/2)-1 for last 20 and is the 2nd ML chalk, so that says something about this group. It's a scattered bunch and this post is a concern. But will use and hope the pace is honest and cover flow is good.

My Ticket

Race 4) 1,3

Race 5) 2,4,5,8

Race 6) 7,8,10

Race 7) 3,6,8

Total Ticket Cost) $14.40 for $0.20 

Check me out on Twitter, @AlCimaglia