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Saturday, January 25: Can-Am Pick 4 Analysis

by Al Cimaglia

January 25, 2020

The Saturday Can-Am Pick 4 is set to roll and the first leg goes at Woodbine Mohawk Park in Race 10. The sequence is competitive in all legs and it will be my focus.

Comments and selections below are based on a fast track.

Race 10-Leg 1-Mohawk Park

1-HP Napoleon (4-1)-This post draw may not help the chances of this sometimes slow starter. But if gets a good early seat, does have the speed and will, to be a serious contender.
2-Cinnabar Dragon (6-1)-Henry takes another spin and this time doesn't have to deal with the 2nd tier. Should enjoy the post change and the company, could pop at a square price.
3-Heza Thrill N (7/2)-Form has been nothing to write home about but drops to a soft spot. Has been off since 12/14 and makes 1st start for new barn but McClure sticks, best to respect.
7-Better Ops N (5/2)-Jamieson takes the lines of beaten favorite and he provided a good steer on a 11/30 against better. Looking for a more aggressive drive.

Race 10-Leg 2-Meadowlands

1-Youcaniknow (7/2)-Tetrick is doing the steering for the Burke barn tonight. Best to not overlook 2nd ML chalk who should like the company as well as the post draw.
3-Forevernalways (3-1)-Faded in the late going as the ML favorite in 1st start for the Harris barn. Had been claimed in 4 straight, looks like a player but will need more to close the deal tonight.
8-Ever Again (8-1)-Hasn't won on an-off track in 20 starts. But closed strongly in last on a "good" track at this class. Will take a swing that Cushing will put in play early and provide a nice trip.
9-Heavenly Sound (5-1)-Steps-up and moves outside and that isn't the best recipe for success. Monti does stick and comes off a strong effort so will respect.

Race 11-Leg 3-Mohawk Park

4-Isitfridayyet (8-1)-Fits better at this class and Jamieson returns. Has won 10 of 46 at Wbsb and could be sitting on a big try.
6-Kinnder Jackson (10-1)-Raced well on an off-track when bumped up to this level. Recent form suggests Jackson could surprise at a solid price.
10-Real Willey (5/2)-Has the gate speed to get a good seat. Roy can work a trip to give the 5-year-old a big shot even from this post.

Race 11-Leg 4-Meadowlands

2-Justin Credible (10-1)-Tried to rally into a slow pace on an off-track. Came up short and is camera shy but will use at a price in a race without a standout.
4-Western Redhot (7/2)-Makes 3rd start for new barn and has been improving. Will look for upswing to continue and would be better off on a fast track, is 0-23 on wet surfaces.
6-Sunset Over Miami (8-1)-Miller has left hard in last 2 starts and now draws better. Missed a start but will overlook at this price and hope for a smooth trip.

My Ticket

Race 10 Mohawk) 1,2,3,7

Race 10 Meadowlands) 1,3,8,9

Race 11 Mohawk) 4,6,10

Race 11 Meadowlands) 2,4,6

Total Ticket Cost) $28.80

Check me out on Twitter, @AlCimaglia